Friday, October 19, 2007

October 7 - Leaving the Trees Behind

Pangboche is a quaint, high Himalayan town nestled among many spectacular snow covered peaks. Many in our group made phone calls home from here and the connections are quite good (so I hear). Today we moved upwards again, this time to Pheriche at 14,200 feet - almost the elvation of Mt. Whitney in the U.S.! The air is really thin now and some of the folks in our group are starting to take the Diamox, a prescription that benefits those at high altitude. The going is pretty slow but one of our porters is fond of reminding us in his heavily accented English - "Go slow, drink water, reach Kala Patar". This is now our mantra!
Arriving in Pheriche at 1:30 PM, we noticed that we are now above the tree line for this part of the world. It is all rocks and scree from here on out. We attended a lecture given by a medical doctor at the high altitude clinic located here. He informs us of how to spot altitude sickness. I believe that I have been having sleepless nights because of this. So I too start on the Diamox. Many in the group feel bad so a rest day is declared for tomorrow.

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